Hello world! Haven’t we met before?



~~~Humor & Media;   ~~~Media & Humor
~~Miss Transmission,
~~Mass Translation,

Mirror Annex / MA                    PIPA Archives–/ PA
where assorted Peninsula Independent Press Association excerpts, clippings, deletions, articles, announcements, stories, emergency alerts, distress signals, exit signs, court records, true confessions, mystic scripts, evidence files, ship logs, diaries & unclassified ads are piled, aired, hung out in the rain to dry & snow to freeze, for random-access selection in ‘places’ like this.

A pioneer in freeze-dried deposits, The Mirror-Times-Mirror has long been considered flagship of the Mirror-Times-Mirror Trans-Media Transport fleet, providing all data, reports, documents, descriptions, transmissions, translations, mis-representations & selections of post-original content.

It might naturally seem that Mirror-Times-Mirror Trans-Media would also provide the various mirror-times-mirror websites (.net, .com & .xyz), though technically speaking, Mirror-Times-Mirror provides only their addresses, along with much pre & post-original content. Bod Library provides the websites themselves, although not the digital pinheads in which such things reside or the virtual engineering that makes such a network.work.

Content may be said to originate anywhere & everywhere , doubly so where members of PIPA, the Peninsula Independent Press Association transmit. Sources, meanwhile, extend beyond the vehicles of transmission & reporters reporting to informants, entities, events, ideas, languages, & existential conditions in the nature & dynamics of the worlds reported on…. Huh?

To clarify, the relationship between reporter, reporting & organs of transmission may be considered key not just to media understanding, but to any study of fundamental nature. Though the description of any reality (whether event or nature of something) is different from the reality itself, occupying a different realm (once or more ‘removed’), the information transmitted can: 1) have a reality of its own, in its own realm; 2) expand the awareness others (you, we) have of that other so-called “actual reality.” 

This is a bit like saying “a mirror has its own reality but can also transmit information about other realities, including relatively original ones.” Put 1 & 2 together for added levels or dimensions of more & less meaningful reflection, interpretation, & expression–as mirrors can also function as camera, film, dynamic painting, virtual x-ray, diagram screen, field of symbols illustrating relation of parts, augmented reality device by which almost any aspect of human imagination may be “virtualized,” i.e., made functional in the realms of the “once removed,” states still able to communicate cognitive data to the mind, as well as emotional information, & more. (More on this later.)  

Are we laughing yet? Admittedly, what’s above does not sound funny in itself, being a generalized description of any mirror-media. It becomes more so, however, as soon as: the mirror looks at itself; you stand before it; the mirror exhibits  warp-effect funhouse technology; the world represented seems warped/ absurd/ ridiculous/ mis-heard, mis-seen, mis-smelled, mis-typed, mis-translated, miss-expressed; mis-conceived, & pre-or-post-dated.

In the case of Mirror-Times-Mirror Trans-Media sites, organs, & areas covered (as well as those exposed), all pre-conditions may be expected, as PIPA reports on media looking at itself with a generous range of funhouse distortions, some possibly intentional. Most of all, however, there’s that warp world that provides the raw material–as well as much of the absurd over-cooking. PIPA would not be the Peninsula Independent Press Association if there were no peninsula.

What peninsula? One where warps of absurdity, hilarity, & ridiculosity may need little help from trans-media mis-transcribers & later mis-translators, for PIPA itself also adds some semi-intentional distortion in translating geographical, institutional, personal & brand names. The result is that residents of more than one peninsula may “recognize” aspects of home.

 Other Bod Library sites  focus on subjects from cosmos & ecology to historical periods, game theory, strategic learning , even “self-reference.” When it comes to the Peninsula, however, Bod Library largely defers to the Mirror-Times-Mirror on matters relating to sources & contents, and certainly where exposing the former may be involved. 

Providing threads that link PIPAMirror-Times-Mirror transmission, & the Bod Library’s network of Digital Pinhead Depositaries, Yours Crudely may address such matters going forward–as well as backwards & marching in place, along with related issues brought forth by the hop-skip-&-jump technology used to transmit, translate, shelve, pile, file, delete, terminate with extreme prejudice &/or otherwise dislocate independent peninsula materials which otherwise arrive willy nilly, coming “as they are,” &/or were, direct to the imagination, without the benefits of proper editing.

S’not the Librarian: A good case can be made that it’s not the librarian’s job to correct spelling, typos, flawed equations, sloppy reporting or factual gaps, nor to illuminate the margins, or otherwise creatively enhance received materials. Bod Library generally follows that philosophy in practice, even with materials arriving pre-scribbled, scrabbled, disheveled & unshelved.

Nevertheless, the library has a hand in making materials accessible, as well as in filing, storing, & dusting, so PIPA materials add special challenges in form, order, & organization of hilariously garbled, profoundly chaotic & refreshingly random materials offering a peculiarly clear window on our time & place.  

Like PIPA & media in general, Bod Library has a full set of mutually un-complimentary aims & subjects of focus, including media & world, both with extensive range of cultural content. The pipeline for any remains narrow, however, intentionally so. Although we may each want to reflect the world as it is, we also have more selective aims than a moron mirror. 

Having limited space, even on digital pinheads, & much less time, Bod Library cannot host the entire world, nor wants to include all a virtual library might.  That’s not our view of a library–that’s a web, an internet with countless channels & tubes. That we are so connected, part of this web that thus gives us some identity, does not make us want to contain a life-sized model of the whole universe, let alone exhibit it all at once.

The truth is, we are not just randomly selective, but have standards, and tastes, and preferences, and even intentions, all of which are exposed, discussed, reported on. What we don’t have are hidden agendas, least of all any that are paid for or otherwise in the visitor’s disinterest.  Of course we can’t guarantee that last–the visitor’s interest, whether as a matter of curiosity or of fate, what you’re interested in or what might happen to you as a result of your exposure to Bod Library, PIPA, The Mirror-Times-Mirror….  

The editorial we also go on learning as we go.


~~~Humor & Media;   ~~~Media & Humor
~~Miss Transmission,
~~Mass Translation,

One might ask what brings humor & media into the same annex, beyond lack of space or relations elsewhere. If it isn’t obvious enough to be called self-evident, it will become more so. The same is rarely asked for what brings transmission & translation together, since it’s impossible (at least astronomically improbable) to have one without the other.

The nature of the transmission, including medium, helps define the message, small or large, whether we’re talking about language, medium, genre, platform, telegraph or TedTalk, vinyl grooves in studio or mime drama in the street. Message shapes to the medium of transmission, translating words to electrical dots & dashes, & back to words, letters & spaces, or gestural expressions to a meaning that moves the observer (even one facing an empty mirror).

In some case, gravitational topography shapes the flow, and reshapes it continually according to local conditions. So water naturally takes the shape of its vessel, though it also shapes the bed it streams in.

In human communication, the influence of the form is already a factor before the flow even begins, already adapting content to intent, with end or aim already in mind (at least felt) before the first word is out of the mouth, or the fingers, & into the eye or ear–aim & medium spiraled together, even when aim is simply to inquire, wonder out loud, explore & discover, without knowing in advance much (if anything) about what might be found.

Medium & territory project their  influence upstream.

[Also downstream, where Bod Library deals with a runoff far in excess of what we keep up with. That may not sound strange for a normal library, where librarians are not expected to read every item received cover to cover, if at all, only to file appropriately. In the case of the Bod, however, where most materials are locally generated originals available nowhere else, inherent limits of time-space-&-attention means selection is in order.

Peninsula materials are not at all unique in this. For every sentence in any Bod Library website, branch, wing, annex, center or basement overlook, there are dozens & dozens more in Bod Library files not on-line, but on computers & flash drives, as well as cartons & piles not even that far.

Sometimes materials on-line are selected from the files in which they first existed &/or were transcribed, cut & pasted to a site, then edited. Being on a site, one way or another, increased the chance of being reread (& thus re-written in editing) many fold.

At least as often as being re-writen in editing, sentences on line can be  composed there for the first time on the fly, as here & now., in response to what seems called for. Context thus determines a good part of the message.]     

Mish-mash ahead. Still under de-construction:

Within the Mirror-Times-Mirror universe…are many rooms, magical palaces, even mirages. Here we try to sort them out…

Just about anything one says that is true has at least one opposite that is also true. –Reversus the Younger

That is also not true. –Reversus the Elder

“Although much is written, little is known.” –Reversus in the Middle

“Although much is known, less is written.” –The Untold Story

“Though much remains unwritten, more remains unkown.” –Kmow-It-All Monthly

“Though much remains unknown, more remains completely unknown.” –Missing Physics 101

You can tell a lot about a book by its cover, if it still has one. Telling a spook from his or her cover may be more difficult;if you can recognize a cover, you can identify a spy. —A Spy in the House of Knot-Holes, vol 13. 

“Nothing works better–in some cases, not even PLACEBOS work as well!“–Doc Tic’s Prescription Pads (now available at Maggie’s Pharma, home Jimmy “Squirt,” the quirky workaholic soda jerk).

As Sherlick Holes so elegantly put it in What’s Up Watson?–“This case is to scotch what the dog that didn’t bark was to scratch & sniff. Clues lurk everywhere, so long as I follow my nose..” Sherlick’s nose did not always endear him to the Stiff Upper Lip Set at social events of a more conventional nature, applying his legendary powers to the crevices, creases, necks, ears, pits & perfumed spots. While some less inhibited ladies may have been titillated by his fame & celebrity status, finding being sniffed up & down by such a well known nose quite unusually thrilling, however unsought, others were far less amused..

“Why, I have nothing to hide,”one naughty duchess allegedly quipped, blushing just a little with a saucy giggle & a naughty wink, before he sniffed her armpits & announced that “they certainly do stink–but in a way that makes one think.” What’s more, he came back for seconds & thirds; as if digging for tubers between her toes, he found where toe jam met his nose–and quickly deduced everywhere she’d been, & up to what, & in which hose & shoes.

Surely Surelick’s successors would never see or be his match, at sniffing & snorting, with culprits quick to catch. A connoisseur of subtle scents, bouquets of wines, fruits of vines, mildews, molds & worse….–“The Ballad of Surelick Holes,” by Doc Watson.

“Whose holes these are, I think I know,
his nose lives in the village though–
so to find his nostrils here, so far from there,
seems very queer, let alone with such a stash
of nostril hair glistening in the frosty air….”
–Bob Frost (formerly Robert Frozen)

“Park your nose, but leave the meter running.” –Inspector 8, SDI (Secretive Detection Inspectorate)

On the 13th floor of the Acne Building, Inspector 8, the secretive private detective, sat eating his Thai take-out from Thai Juan’s Won-Tons…. 

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